Friday, December 7, 2007

Six Question Quiz (I Bet You Won't Do Better Than 3)

Let's see if you can figure out who is responsible for the following quotes:
No. 1: "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Josef Stalin
D. None of the above

No. 2: "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few … and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."

A. V.I. Lenin
B. Benito Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the above

No. 3: "(We) can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khruschev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Leon Trotsky
D. None of the above

No. 4: "We have to build a political consensus, and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own … in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse-tung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong-il
D. None of the above

No. 5: "I certainly think the free market has failed."

A. Fidel Castro
B. Pol Pot
C. Nicolae Ceausescu
D. None of the above

No. 6: "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."
A. Avowed socialist Bernie Sanders
B. The late Communist Party USA leader Gus Hall
C. Angela Davis
D. None of the above

The correct answer to each of the questions is "none of the above." In fact, every single one of these statements was made by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton between 2004 and 2007.

The first was uttered June 28, 2004, at a fundraiser for Sen. Barbara Boxer in San Francisco, according to a report by the Associated Press.

The second was made in a speech in New Hampshire May 29, 2007, according to a report in the Boston Globe.

The third, fourth and fifth came during a political forum telecast on CNN June 4, 2007.

The sixth was in a speech in Syracuse, New York, Sept. 2, 2005 and was reported in the Washington Post.

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