Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Part One of My Confessions

After reading the title of this blog, you may have thought one of two things:

1) That title must be referencing to a past hit single by a popular R&B singer.


2) Being that I am a Catholic Christian, it must have something to do with the sacrament of confession that practicing Roman Catholics occasionally go through.

Both of them are true. I could not come up with a clever title of my own, so I had to rob Usher of a lyric from his song. As far as number 2 goes, this blog is somewhat of a confession. No, you don't need to call a member of the clergy for this. I've been through that more than enough times, and even what I am about to say has been brought up to a priest before.

This particular blog is a confession, and at the same time, an apology, to all my Christian friends.

When I started out on my journey with Jesus, I say it began with Alexandra. A year and a half into our relationship, she and my friend, Miguel, convinced me to go with her to a Youth Group at what was called West Kendall Baptist Church. It was an amazing experience, but I did not truly feel moved to give my life over to Jesus until about my third visit to that youth group.

I joined Tamiami Baptist Church and was a member of that church for about a year. I was really involved with evangelical Christianity. I was looking at the Bible a whole different way now. And as each week passed, my love for God grew and grew. However, I did not like the kind of person I was becoming. I was constantly getting into arguments with the people I love the most, my family, because they were Catholics (not practicing). After a while, as I listened to my pastor's sermons, I found myself disagreeing with him more and more as each week came and gone.
So, I remember I decided to go to a Catholic mass one week.

It was hard at first. I remember freaking out with all the things people memorized at the church. I left mass early that day. However, I found myself heading back there the following Saturday. It became a bit of a new routine for me. I would go to St. Kevin's Catholic Church on Saturday, and head to Tamiami Baptist on Sunday. The more often I went to mass, the longer I stayed, until one week where I stayed until the end.

I noticed that the taboos I had been learning were not necessarily true. I had grown up in a household of non-practicing Catholics, aka "cafeteria Catholics" because they pick and choose what they believe to be true about Catholic doctrine. Another term came from Pastor Rob Myers' mouth in Easter: "Christian CEO's" or Christian Christmas and Easter Only. Not that I think of my family in a negative light. There are many Catholics - and Christians in general - who are in the same boat. I love them. I obviously just wish that they had that same fire and passion for the Lord that I do.

Back to my story...I did research. I read the Bible extensively. I purchased books from Catholic apologists and read materials of Protestants' arguments against Catholics being considered Christian. If I did that much research for my classes, I guarantee that I would have a 4.0 GPA right now. (Note to self: when completing assignments for school, pretend it is as important as your relationship with God...wait...is that heresy?)

Anyways, I sat down with the pastor of Tamiami Baptist to tell him that I would no longer be attending that church, and we had a civil discussion about faith in general. There are no hard feelings, which I am thankful for.

What drew me to Catholicism? Through Catholicism, I was able to strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ, more than I had before. The constant spiritual feeding at my church fills my heart with the Holy Spirit everytime I am there. I really felt like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy felt that Kansas was a bland place and longed to go "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." She landed in Oz and met a bunch of colorful characters, but in the end, she realized that there was no place like home. I have found that home at St. Kevin's Catholic Church. While I am and always a Christian first, my yellow brick road has become the Catholic Church.

So, why am I apologizing? I am apologizing because when I landed back in my own rendition of Oz, I still was not a very loving - or Christian - person. I argued with a lot of my friends extensively, including the love of my life. Some of those arguments have left me bruised inside, and I have found it very hard to open up about my faith to my new Christian friends that I have met through Alexandra (some of you who read my blogs).

I sometimes feel awkward being at Miami Baptist Church, and it has nothing to do with the people there. My past experiences just flash into my mind and I become a very secluded, and defensive person. I really am trying to open up and being able to extend that arm of fellowship with Christians from a different denomination again, because I would think that God would want all of his followers to be united and spread the Gospel as one people. I am praying hard for God to lift that burden off my shoulders.

I am apologizing because I'm not sure if I have, or if in the future I may suddenly become defensive. And I assure you that it is not my intention. I'm sorry if I have ever given off that kind of impression.

Before I conclude, I wanted to thank two very important people. I wanted to thank Father Bob Vallee of St. Kevin's. This philosopher of a priest eased my transition from evangelical Christianity to Catholocism, being that his homilies are quite evangelical themselves. I also wanted to thank Pastor Dave who is on my "Blogs I read" list. His Zeal sermons helped me go to church with my girlfriend, if at least once a month. Thank you for your amazing interpretations of scripture.

Thank you all for reading this - one of my longest original posts - and I look forward to serving the Lord for the rest of my life.


Gabby said...

for those of you who were at zeal on Sunday night

i can tell you that the things that i heard did not help me :/

Merari said...

Good blog.
Its interesting to see your growth of faith.

I apologize whole-heartedly for tonight. I immediately looked for you after the statements were said and I cannot tell you how much it pained me that you were hurt.

I honestly don't know how to make this better, but just know that we, as a group, love you and Alex. I speak for myself when I say that I support your growth in Christ and I encourage you to continue your studies of the faith (keep getting that A+!).

I hope that those statements do not prevent you from continuing to fellowship and worship with the Zeal group.

Peace! <3

Gabby said...

thanks merari

that really meant alot :)

Anne Marie said...

I think this was a great blog, and an articulate expression of what you believe and where you're coming from. I appreciate that you've gone to such great lengths to know what you believe. If only more would do the same! I'm grateful to read all of this, grateful to know you, and most of all - grateful to count you my brother in Christ. Press on!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel.
My entire family is Catholic. Even though my spiritual journey has lead me away from Catholicism, I still have a deep appreciation for the Catholic Church.
I see how my parents have grown in their faith through Catholicism. I see how my grandmother is a better Christian than I could ever hope to be and she's Catholic.
Even though I don't agree with everything that the Catholic Church practices, I do not believe that they're all going to hell or something ridiculous like that.

I'm not sure what was said at ZEAL seeing as I'm very far away, lol...but I'm sorry you were hurt. I too have been hurt by the things certain people have said from the pulpit about Catholicism.

Just remain faithful to Jesus Christ. If you keep following Him you can't go wrong. And don't let other people bring you down. You know the relationship you have with God and I don't think anyone can judge that. And try to remember that we are all human and sometimes we make mistakes or say hurtful things...sometimes the people who say these things are just trying to stay true to their beliefs just like you're trying to stay true to yours.

Have a great day and keep seeking Jesus.

alexita said...

I love you and you know that it doesn't matter to me what denomination you are, as much as the relationship you have with Jesus Christ. I support you no matter what and I know you do the same for me. :)
