Monday, February 11, 2008

One Body in Christ

Excerpts from Don Cobb’s “One Body in Christ”

“Every church (denomination) is, like every person on the planet, right about some things and wrong about some things. That’s right. I said every denomination is right about some things in their doctrine which pertains to Scripture, and wrong about some things in their doctrine which pertains to Scripture. Man’s intelligence is limited. Our interpretations of Scripture, of which there are many conflicting interpretations, are always a combination of wisdom revealed by the Holy Spirit with a dash (or two, or more) of Man’s Imperfection. Therein lies the problem. It isn’t that the Protestants are right and the Catholics are wrong. It isn’t that the Pentecostals are right and the Methodists are wrong. It isn’t that the Adventists are right and every other Protestant denomination and the Catholic Church is wrong.

It’s that all of us are wrong about some things, and all of us are right about some things. All of us. Every Christian denomination. This is a fact which is true of the entire body of Christ.

Despite the massive efforts to declare that one denomination or another “Isn’t Christian”, the Bible defines clearly what makes us “Christian” in Romans 10:9-10, which includes all believers: “...that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” There you have it. Right? Apparently not. Not to some denominations, at least. We have among us, in our own family, brothers and sisters who insist that others who attend a different denominational church service than they are not Christian because of how they worship, because of their understanding (interpretation) of Scripture, because of many things. If these issues, these differences of opinion in how we interpret Scripture resulted in the loss of our salvation, I would be quick to say that probably most, if not all, Christians will ultimately be cast into the Lake of Fire. Fortunately for all of us, how we interpret Scripture has no bearing on our salvation…

What makes you “Christian” is not about whether or not you believe in dancing. It’s not about whether we worship on Saturday or Sunday. It’s not about whether or not you support killing babies before birth. It’s not about whether or not you believe that the healing power of Christ Jesus or in the baptisms in the Holy Spirit are “for today”. And it’s not about whether or not you prayerfully ask Mary to intercede on your behalf. If you confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe He was raised on the third day, you are Christian. What makes you “Christian” today has nothing to do with what version of the Bible or even what other books you read…

The world laughs at us for the way we criticize and condemn each other over doctrinal differences. We’re not exactly the best witnesses for Jesus when we’re spending so much time telling other believers that they aren’t Christian. Are we? No. “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. What part of that don’t we Christians understand? Jesus wasn’t talking solely about Christian neighbors. He was talking about every neighbor, and yet we can’t even put His clear instructions into practice within our own body. It’s a safe bet we (many of us Christians) aren’t doing any better of a job at loving our non-Christian neighbors as ourselves than we are at loving our Christian brothers and sisters...and we’re failing miserably at loving our own family—the body of Christ…”


Brandon & Paula said...

I have to give it to you. I am jealous of your writing abilities... but aside from that, i definitely agree with you. We are all CHRISTians. Believers in CHRIST. hence the name.
Great Post "che"!
even though i dont like you very much ;) jejejeje

Gabby said...

thank you...but i dont wanna take credit for this...a man by the name of Don Cobbs wrote this

but thanks

i thought it was very very deep when i read it

Brandon & Paula said...

jajaja I so did not notice the quotation marks all the way towards the end. i thought it was just the first, well second paragraph that was his.
way to waste a compliment on you.
pssh. :p

Albert Barraza said...

He is definitely right it is our human nature to want to be right when it comes to arguments or beliefs, but sadly we do not all have it figured out. We must first begin to Trust completely in the Lord, because without that loving your neighbor as yourself is extremely difficult.
Good Post brother!
God bless


Merari said...

Preach on, brother!

I've always imagined the glorious things that could be achieved if only all of Christ's followers would get together and do His work.

There is a great article on this in Relevant Magazine. If I find it, i'll send it to you.

btw... I'm sooooo down for the Will movie! I'll talk to Alex to plan it out.
