Monday, July 27, 2009

Random Evidence of a Cluttered Mind

Hello followers! I know it's been a while since I've blogged, so this entry will be a quick touch and go about things on my mind since the last time I've blogged. But before I get started, let me just say that the title of this post is nowhere near original, it was borrowed from Greg Cote's blog in the Miami Herald website. Disclaimers aside, let's get this started!


About a month ago, I saw God. He didn't shine a light upon me. He did not speak to me with a booming voice from beyond the clouds. He didn't even pull a miracle out for me. He showed Himself in a spot when I least expected it.

I was driving home from work, and as I was driving on the turnpike, I noticed that my car was overheating a bit. As soon as I braked at the off-ramp, my car completely broke down. I got out of the car, opened the hood, and awaited my father to bring some coolant, when I see an SUV pull over on the road ahead of me. A woman and man stepped out of the car, headed towards me, and offered to help move my car off to the side of the road. I was really shocked. I never thought a pair of Miamians would help a stranger with his car. I was having a horrible day up to that point. But God showed Himself to me at that moment - through the kindness of these strangers. He reminded me that He was there for me, no matter how crappy I was feeling.


Last night, I realized that I have been missing a crucial aspect to my life. I realized that I hadn't been to mass in about a month. I know that to you, the reader, this may not seem like such a big deal. But it is to me. It was not that I feel pressured to go because it's something I have to do. I miss going to mass because it's something that I want to do. I miss it because it is a refresher for me. Whenever I go to mass, I leave it feeling as if I have been re-baptized - born again, if you will. It helps to remind me that whatever I do in life, it is done with a higher purpose in mind.

I haven't been able to go because of so many things going on in my life right now. And most of these things are actually positive things. Regardless, being away from the mass for such a long time feels as if I moved away and grew homesick. I need to go back "home" again so that I feel a little closer to being complete.


So, Gator quarterback Tim Tebow admitted that he's a virgin. Whether he's telling the truth or not is not what this entry is about. It's the uproar that happened throughout the nation in the news, blogs, radio shows, etc. There is a double standard in this country (duh). We constantly like to bash and ridicule people who do not fit the mainstream. That is evident in the people making fun of Tebow's virginity, or calling him a liar, because people in college "just cannot really be that popular and virgins." It is evident in our movies, where we poke fun of virginity, as is the case with The 40-Year Old Virgin and the American Pie series.

I am of the belief system that says it actually takes strength to be a virgin. Take away the loser image for a second. Just think about it. Let's say Tebow is not lying. You don't think that he's been tempted? You don't think that he's had to rise above all the women who throw themselves at him. I guarantee that if he wanted to, he would be able to sleep with any woman in the Gainesville area. But he chooses not to, because he believes in something better. Tim Tebow is strong-willed, strong-hearted, abd courageous.

By the way, just because I think these great things about Tim Tebow, I still hate the Gators. Thank you

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