A lot of ideas and emotions ran through me as I watched this film, and afterwards when I thought about it. When I came home, my dog greeted me at the door, and although she is old, lazy, and grouchy, this dog is a part of my family. I picked her up and petted her as she eagerly sniffed me and wagged her tail. It is true what was said in the movie about dogs - what's great about dogs is that no matter if you are rich, poor, clever, dull, smart, or dumb, a dog is going to love you as long as you give it your heart.
This movie also renewed my interest in journalism. The couple were a pair of journalists for the Sun-Sentinel and the Palm Beach Post. When I was studying journalism, before, my goal was to become a columnist. Something about putting what's on your mind on paper always appealed to me. Who knows where God will take me. If teaching does not pan out, maybe that could be something I pursue. It takes a while to climb up that ladder, though. And a lot of sacrifice.
Last but not least, this movie made me think of the next phase of my life. I'll be graduating from FIU soon, and there are important decisions I will need to make, including some major committments (I'm sure that last statement is going to garner a bunch of comments itself, or at least solicit some deep thought).
If you have not seen Marley & Me, and you own a dog, or are perhaps just a lover of animals, you really should see the movie. If those categories do not apply to you, it's a good movie, nonetheless.
I saw it. I don't own a dog...and I'm not really a dog lover...more like a dog avoider..lol.
But I did enjoy it greatly! I think I really liked seeing how the couple's marriage changed over the years. From the honeymoon period to the "I hate you, get away from me" moments. It was nice that they were committed to each other through it all instead of getting divorced.
I'm sure Alex is THRILLED about the commitments sentence. ;-) lol.
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