This gets me a little upset for a few reasons. First of all, where does he go talking about that on a SPORTS radio show? I mean, why is he talking about how Jews are right and Christianity is wrong on a show where he should be talking about the Marlins, the Heat, the NBA playoffs, Dolphins training camp, the death of Eight Belles (the racehorse), etc. What gets me even more upset, though, is that he is going to get away with it. It's a freedom of religion/speech issue. However, I would like to see what would happen if a sports radio host, or a host of another secular show, were to say: "If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you are on the wrong boat." I bet you that there will be a tremendous uproar about that. Critics will be saying how this radio host was forcing religion down their throats and soon afterwords, he will be fired.
Not Sid Rosenberg, though. You know why? Because freedom of religion in this country only applies if you are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, Confucianist, etc. It does not apply if you are a Christian, despite the fact that this country was founded by Christians of all denominations. I cannot believe Sid would say how he is one of the chosen people, a week after he spent an entire segment talking about how humans were not meant to be monogamous, and how masturbation was a beautiful, natural element of being human.
I would like to close with a quote that has to deal with Christianity, Judaism, and choseness. I went to my girlfriend's church for Easter service this year, before she went to Easter mass with me, and her pastor said something that has stayed with me: "Christianity is Judaism fulfilled!" Ain't it the truth?
Therefore, who are the chosen people, really?
DISCLAIMER: I'm not racist or anything, but if you want to be politically correct, might as well be towards all people, not just for the minorities. This blog was not intended as a bigotry or racism, because as many people who know me can say, I am very tolerant of everyone. But freedom of speech also applies to me. And I believe that everyone should be treated equally.